X-cene Matinee
event series
curated by ~ tilde
since 2020 at the Wind Tunnel, ZHdK, Zurich
The X – cene Matinee is an ongoing event series that examines the diverse manifestations and current discourse surrounding the Anthropocene, Pyrocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, and Chthulucene. In the Wind Tunnel we seek to discover new forms of communication by translating scientific data and psychological states into visual, audible, and tangible experiences. Together with the audience and select invitees, we search to pose the right questions about interdependent living and the human role in the new era. Creating individual and collective encounters, the answers we find might be esoteric, spiritual, dramatic, inspirational, fictional, aesthetical, analytical, intellectual, or may be no answers at all.
~ tilde is a collective in flux founded by the cultural scientist and curator Helene Romakin (Berlin/Zurich) and the artist collective U5 (Zurich). Oscillating between places and times ~ tilde documents, fictionalizes, digitalizes, contextualizes, initiates, and organizes event series. X-cene Matinee is a collaboration between Florian Dombois and ~ tilde.
Events in October 2020 with Isabel Lewis & Stefanie Hessler, and Clemens Krauss